Wednesday, May 8, 2024

UVTAGG - 2025-05-08 - Press Release: Online Mtg, 11 May 2024, 10-12 Noon MDT, BETH ANN WISEMAN on METADATA OF PHOTOS

UVTAGG - 2025-05-08 - Press Release: Online Mtg, 11 May 2024, 10-12 Noon MDT, BETH ANN WISEMAN on METADATA OF PHOTOS

Journalists and newsletter editors, please post this where you can.    If you need more information, please see our website --  and Press Release Blog .   If you have questions, please contact me.   Thanks. 

Donald R. Snow --  

[Short Version]======================.
UVTAGG MEETING, Saturday Morning, 11 May 2024 on Zoom and Facebook
10 am - 11 AM MDT:  BETH ANN WISEMAN on Metadata Magic:  Preserving the Writing On the Back Of the Photo (Metadata) In Digital Photos
11:10-12 Noon MDT:  BETH ANN WISEMAN on Metadata Magic: How Do I Embed Metadata In My Digital Photos?
Details on and on the UVTAGG blog.

[Long version]======================. 
UVTAGG MEETING, Saturday Morning, 11 May 2024 on Zoom and Facebook
Details and links to watch are on   and on the UVTAGG Facebook page.
10 am - 11 AM MDT:  BETH ANN WISEMAN on Metadata Magic:  Preserving the Writing On the Back Of the Photo (Metadata) In Digital Photos

11:10-12 Noon MDT:  BETH ANN WISEMAN on Metadata Magic: How Do I Embed Metadata In My Digital Photos?

Beth Ann Wiseman's passion is preserving family photos, both personally and professionally.  As a teenager in the 1970s, she received xeroxed copies of copies of family stories whose blubs and blurs were barely readable.  Since she was not able to source photos and stories, she pondered how she could preserve her rich family heritage for her children and grandchildren.  She has a B. A. in History and a Masters degree in Computer Science, initially working as a software developer, which included the scanning of digital images - the perfect solution for preserving and sharing family stories. At that time it was difficult to share scanned images. The rest of the story needed to go along with the images. She tried file system strategies, static html files on a CD, and even creating a database on CD.  Nothing seemed to work really well.

Beth Ann was one of the original members of the engineering team at FamilySearch that implemented Memories and she still works on that team - her dream job.  Memories addresses many of the sticking points for sharing family photos and stories.  She is also involved with an organization created by Gordon Clarke at FamilySearch to standardize how the family history industry uses metadata properties and she has been testing and validating the standards proposed by the Family History Metadata Working Group (FHMWG).

Embedding the writing on the back of the photo so that it travels with the photo as embedded metadata creates magic in finding and sharing your photos and their stories.  Once you know why, you will want to know how. This main presentation discusses why you would want to go to the effort of embedding the writing on the back of the photo into your digital photos. And what do FamilySearch and others do with metadata in a photo?

OK, I'm convinced. I really want the magic of metadata in my digital photos. How can I do that?  What tools can I use?

All meetings of the UVTAGG group are open to the public and have the goal of helping people use technology to further their family and personal history.  The Group is in its 34th year and previously was called the Utah Valley PAF Users Group.  On the blog is a way for anyone  to receive the press releases via email.  Members of the group ($15/year), besides being able to interact with presenters on ZOOM, receive the  monthly email newsletter, TAGGology, and have access to the more than 650 videos of past presentations and classes.  TAGGology contains a wealth of information about genealogy, including information for Temple and Family History Consultants.  Free sample copies of the Newsletter can be requested by emailing  . 

Officers of UVTAGG are Gerhard Ruf, President; Laurie Castillo, 1st VP; Don Snow, 2nd VP; Secretary (Vacant); Jerry Castillo, Membership Officer, Marilyn Thomsen, TAGGology Newsletter Editor; Rayanne Melick, Treasurer; Librarian (Vacant); Carol Hill, Social Media Publicist; James Anderson, FamilySearch Coordinator; Chris Stevenson, Brent Nelson, Jerry Castillo, and Dawn Brimhall, Broadcast and Website Specialists.  For further information contact President Gerhard Ruf at (801-602-5048), or 1st VP Laurie Castillo at, or 2nd VP Don Snow at

Donald R. Snow, 2nd VP, .

Dr. Donald R. Snow, Retired Professor of Mathematics, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA - 

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